Anse x Linstead Market

Food, Spice & Artisan Market

Tingle those taste buds with your products of exotic fruits, imported produce, spices & flavours from across the tropical islands.



This market area is for the homemade & homegrown artisan products, imported groceries, cakes, spices, pepper sauces, jellies, tropical fruits & veg. It is the perfect place to share your grandmother's recipes and to give people a taste of culture that they can take home.



Share your delights as attendees walk around looking, sampling and buying that treats for that feeling of back home.


We all remember the days of recipe books sitting on the shelves for the next generation to recreate what was made by those before. Trying to get that specific taste or flavour but not knowing that there was a secret slight of hand ingredient.

Anse x Linstead Market

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